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Start and Finish Times - for school year 2024-25
JUNIOR CLASSES (Junior & Senior Infants): 8.40 start; 13.20 finish
JUNIOR CLASSES (First Class & Second Class): 8.40 start; 14.20 finish
SENIOR CLASSES (Third Class – Sixth Class inclusive): 8.50 start; 14.30 finish.
Please note both Junior Infants and First Class will have adjusted times for the first few days of school.
Junior Infants: Start at 9a.m. on the first day only and finish at 12.
From Friday, August 30, to Friday, September 6, start at 8.40 and finish at 12.
First Class: From Thursday, August 29 to Friday, August 30, start at 8.40 and finish at 1.20

2024-2025 Calendar

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