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**After a consultation process with students, teachers, parent representatives, and the Board of Management, we have made the following changes to our school uniform policy, effective from August 2023.
Navy school trousers can be worn as an alternative to the school kilt. (They should not be worn with the P.E. top.)
The full school tracksuit is expected to be worn on PE days.
Leggings can be worn by Sixth Class only. They have an option to wear leggings as an alternative to the tracksuit bottoms. For Sixth Class only, the Schoolwear House can supply high quality navy leggings. Similar navy leggings (with no logo) can also be worn. Leggings in any other colour (including black) are not permitted.
Navy school shorts are available on the Schoolwear House website. These, or a similar navy style only should be worn. No cycling shorts or sports shorts should be worn.

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